Martin Luther
A brief biography of Germany's most famous reformer.
Author: J.R. Broome
Finish: P/B | Size : 183 x 123mm | Pages: 25 | ISBN: 9780903556958
An Exposition of John Seventeen
In Christ’s prayer before he went to suffer on the cross we are privileged to look into the human soul of Christ as he wrestles in prayer with God the Father. In his exposition Martin Luther speaks of how in the powerful words of this prayer we see the mystery and wonder of Christ, the two distinct natures, human and divine, in the one glorious Person of Emmanuel.
Author: Martin Luther
Finish: HB | Size : 184 x 120 mm | Pages: 157 | ISBN: 9781911466130
An Exposition of the Fifty-First Psalm
Here we have Luther's Exposition of Psalm 51. King David had been guilty of the most gross sins of adultery and murder. However, by means of the prophet Nathan’s faithful dealings, in which he declared to the king, “Thou art the man,” God wrought real conviction in David’s soul. This is most evident in this Psalm, where David confesses before God, “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight.” May those who read this volume also be made to feel their sin, and present to God the acceptable sacrifice of “... a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart.”
Author: Martin Luther
Finish: HB | Size : 184 x 120 mm | Pages: 199 | ISBN: 9781911466079