Entering Through Much Tribulation
Life and Writings of John R. Broome (1931-2013)
‘We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God’.
Those words entered into the heart of a sixteen-year old boy one Thursday evening in 1947. This book contains the account of how that young man had to walk out this truth. He went on to become a secondary school history teacher and a well respected minister amongst the Strict Baptists. He walked through deep bereavement in the death of his first wife, and suffered several serious illnesses. But he has proved the Word true, and has now entered the Kingdom of God. There is much in John Broome’s life and writings to encourage us to press towards the kingdom of God.
Finish: Hardback | Illustrated | Pages: 444
Composed by M. Hyde
Broome heeft regelmatig in Nederland gepreekt en bezocht dan ook de Van Lodenstein Scholengemeenschap.