Gadsby's | The Story of a Hymnbook
In July 1814 William Gadsby (1773-1844) sent a hymnbook to a local printer in Manchester. Designed for the needs of his congregation at the Particular Baptist Chapel, St. George’s Road, Manchester, he can scarcely have imagined how popular the hymnbook would be. It was to become the hymnbook of choice amongst many Particular Baptist congregations and by the time of Gadsby’s death in 1844 the hymnbook had been through nine editions. Today, 200 years after it was first published, it is still used by congregations across the world. Loved by those who use it and affectionately known as “Gadsby’s”, it has never been out of print.
For the first time, this book seeks to give the lovers of “Gadsby’s” a history of the hymnbook, its development and its influence.
Author: Matthew J. Hyde
Publisher: The Gospel Standard Trust Publications
Finish: H/B
Size: A5
Pages: 325
ISBN: 9781897837542